Publishing Project
Funding Goal: $140,000
Inventory Project
Phase 1
Phase 2
Web Press
Ufunuo (Revelation) Publishing House in Morogoro.
This 40 ft container packed full of equipment from the US arrives to an enthusiastic welcoming party!
Installing equipment
at Ufunuo.
One of the most critical items that was sent from the US to Tanzania was this Kodak computer-to-plate system. Without this important equipment, the workers had to drive hundreds of miles on a regular basis to complete this stage of the printing process. Praise God for what He did for the publishing house!
This important equipment folds, binds, and trims booklets and pamphlets. Here it's ready to process almost 140,000 Bible study guides. Amen!
Cliver Mbwana, Production Manager of Ufunuo Publishing House (now retired), stands beside the Polar-Mohr computerized paper cutter. On the left of the cutter is Brother Samwel Bukuku, the General Manager of Ufunuo Publishing House. A paper cutter does not seem like an exciting piece of equipment, but what if you had to cut hundreds of thousands or even millions of sheets by hand!
Inventory Project
Currently, customers of the publishing house must save up large amounts of money to place literature orders. This is because there is usually no inventory on hand so the materials must be printed each time. Thus the publishing equipment is often idle, waiting until funds are available to print large orders.
HeReturns developed a plan called the Inventory Project, where we would provide the initial funds to print a moderate amount of literature which could be kept in stock. Customers can then quickly purchase smaller amounts. Those funds would be used to print another moderate amount. Thus an inventory will be built up so customers will always have materials available that won't require large capital.
Web Press Project
Our King Press web press. A web press is a printer that prints on large sheets of paper (see lower left). This gives it a large production capacity. By God's grace HeReturns will send one or more of these to Tanzania! We have multiple units available, but must repair, clean, disassemble, and ship them, which is not easy with these large and heavy machines! Pray for us!