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Mission Projects

Church and School Projects

Atocha Church Project!

This church project is in one of the poorest areas in the province of Salta, Argentina.
The neighborhood in the province started to be reached in 2020 despite the pandemic.
In Q1 2022, more than 100 Bible studies are taking place and fifty new members were recently baptized and are worshipping together.

Specific needs for the $22,000 project are:
$4000 for final payment of the land.
$10,000 to finish the main building construction.
$8,000 to finish the church classrooms and a community hall for outreach.

Church Ministry Team

HER Argentina Church Team Pict 1.png

Collected: $5000

School Children Project!
Supportng Adventist education in Argentina


$800/year per student for Elementary School (age 5-11)

$1200/year per student for High School (age 12-17)

Would you like to join us in sponsoring

a student for the next school year?

You will cause a great blessing!


HER ARG School - Grade School.jpeg

Elementary School

HER ARG School - High School.jpeg

High School / College


1619 Bypass Rd #292
Winchester, KY  40391-2715

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HeReturns is a 501c3 non-profit ministry dedicated to furthering the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His soon return!

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